Monday, September 26, 2011

Fungi Galore

All this rain, rain, rain has resulted in some amazing fungi eruptions.  I'll confess right now to not knowing much about identifying mushrooms.  What we see are just the fruiting bodies of fungus which is undergound.  The underground portion can be quite massive.  How massive, you ask?  According to an article in Scientific American the largest fungus is located in Oregon and is estimated to be 2,400 years old.  It covers 2,200 acres. Click this link for another interesting article about  huge fungi.

I hiked around and photographed as many different types of fungi as I could.  The variety of colors, shapes and sizes are amazing.  Don't forget fungi's important task: breaking down organic matter.   I used the book, Mushrooms and Other Fungi of North America by Roger Phillips, to help identify some of the fungi I found. The book contains large, clear color photos.  Still, it was no easy task.  Please feel free to correct a label or add one.  Above all, please don't eat wild mushrooms unless you know what you are doing!  Enjoy the fungus photo shoot.


polypore - bracket fungus



one of my favorites - coral fungus (Ramaria)

coral fungus



polypore - bracket fungus

puffball fungus

Another favorite - bird's nest fungus (Cyathus) - note the tiny dark "eggs" or basidiospores which are used in reproduction.  These were growing in a flower pot.

This fungus looked like a white brain growing from a rotted log.

Orange jelly fungus

Coral fungus (Ramaria)

a coral or tooth fungus (Ramaria)

another polypore - turkey tail

and another polypore ....

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